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UK Online Poker Laws


The Gambling Act of 2005 was a revolution for UK

online gambling laws. Commercial online poker is ⚽️ now fully regulated across Great

Britain to ensure you have the best, safest experience possible. A government body

called the ⚽️ Gambling Commission issues licenses to approved online casinos and monitors

them closely to ensure standards are met at all times. ⚽️ They're here to regulate every

aspect of the online poker industry.

On this page you're going to learn in detail about

⚽️ UK online poker laws, how they are interpreted and the role of the Gambling Commission

in policing the online casinos ⚽️ who deliver your entertainment. In answering some of the

most frequently asked questions about UK online poker laws, we'll touch ⚽️ on these themes

and more:

Can UK residents play online poker legally?

How to know if an online poker

site is safe

Tax ⚽️ laws as they apply to poker players online

The role of the Gambling


Is it legal to play online poker in ⚽️ the UK?

Let's start with the question

that matters most to UK poker lovers. You'll be happy to know it's fully ⚽️ legal to play

online poker in the UK, providing you are aged 18 or over and have permission to

operate ⚽️ the device your are accessing the online poker site with.

"Online poker is

completely legal for UK players and everything's in ⚽️ place to keep you safe and secure


Am I safe playing online poker in the UK?

Providing you stick to trusted,

⚽️ licensed poker websites, and play sensibly at all times, it's extremely safe to play

online poker from the UK. The ⚽️ danger comes when you visit an untrustworthy site, or one

without the requisite security measures in place to protect your ⚽️ personal and banking

details. Play at an unsecured site without a license and you play at your own risk.


do ⚽️ I know if a poker site is safe?

Legal UK poker sites are granted licenses by the

Gambling Commission. To check ⚽️ if the site you want to play at has a license, simply

enter the details here [1] and perform a ⚽️ search on the name.

Do I have to pay tax on my

online poker winnings?

"Great news for the card sharks. There's ⚽️ no tax to play on your

online poker winnings!"

Good news here too. There is no tax due on your online ⚽️ poker

winnings in the UK. We used to think the ruling came down to whether your online

gambling activity constituted ⚽️ a full-time profession (in which case you'd owe), but a

case cited by HM Revenue and Customs [2] found even ⚽️ the full-time gambler should be

exempt of tax on his or her winnings.

What counts as illegal activity when playing

online ⚽️ poker?

It is illegal to falsify your identity or create fake accounts at an

online poker website, and thus potentially benefit ⚽️ from a promotion multiple times.

Cases such as this have been tried and prosecuted. It is also illegal to collude ⚽️ with

other players in rigging an online poker game or tournament.

In terms of banking

practices, it should go without saying ⚽️ that all funds deposited must be the property of

the player.

Who protects UK online poker players online?

The Gambling Commission is

⚽️ responsible for making online poker safe and secure for UK players. All sites awarded

licenses from the Gambling Commission have ⚽️ to meet a high standard of


Role of the Gambling Commission

The Gambling Commission in classed as an

"independent non-departmental public ⚽️ body"[3] tasked with regulating all real money

gambling in the UK. It was launched at the behest of the Gambling ⚽️ Act of 2005 and is

funded by the UK government's Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

When it comes to

online ⚽️ poker, the Gambling Commission regulates all sites that serve UK residents. Up

until 2014, it was only required that UK-based ⚽️ poker sites held UK licenses, but a new

law [4] has now been passed to require overseas sites serving the ⚽️ market to hold a

Gambling Commission license as well. The passing of this law, the Gambling (Licensing

and Advertising Act), ⚽️ has huge ramifications for the large number of poker sites who

attract UK players from a base in another country.

How ⚽️ do online poker sites get a UK


There is an application process in place for the owners of online poker ⚽️ sites

to apply for a Gambling Commission license. The application approval process takes into

account such factors as financial means, ⚽️ "competence", existing criminal records and

"integrity", in deciding whether to grant a license or not.

"All poker sites serving

the UK ⚽️ must be granted a license from the Gambling Commission."

What power does the

Gambling Commission have?

The Gambling Commission has complete power ⚽️ when it comes to

regulating online poker websites that serve UK players. They monitor approved providers

regularly to ensure the ⚽️ terms of their license are being met, and have the power to

issue penalties and even revoke licenses if the ⚽️ owners of an online casino fail to meet

the criteria.

The Commission also controls which online casinos can legally advertise

in ⚽️ the UK market. Only those with current licenses are allowed to promote themselves to

the public, meaning that online poker ⚽️ lovers should be steered solely towards sites

that are operating within the requirements.

Is online poker software regulated in the


Yes ⚽️ it is. There are technical software standards [5] that must be met by all

licensed software used to run online ⚽️ poker games for UK players. Software providers

must prove their technology delivers fairness and adhere to the stipulations


"Put a ⚽️ foot wrong and an online poker site will lose its license in a


UK poker law resources

UK vs. USA Online ⚽️ Poker Laws

In the UK it's

completely legal to play online poker if you're 18 or over. In the USA, however, ⚽️ it's

only legal to play online poker if you live in one of the three states that have passed

legislation ⚽️ to that effect, being New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada. That leaves 47

states with no legal online poker, and makes ⚽️ the UK a far more accommodating place for

the online poker fanatic.

At the moment many of the most exciting and ⚽️ trustworthy poker

sites on the internet are being run in the UK.

UK vs. Europe Online Poker


Commercial online poker is ⚽️ legal in major Europe countries such as France, Spain,

Germany and Italy, with big profits being made and the industry ⚽️ growing at a rapid

state. Not all countries benefit from such stringent licensing laws as the UK, however,

so it ⚽️ may prove a more risky exercise accessing sites from other countries.

Game by

game guide

Online poker can be played legally by ⚽️ all those aged 18 or over


tournaments online can be legally entered by UK residents

Real money poker can be

accessed ⚽️ legally using desktop and mobile devices

[1] Gambling Commission, 'Find

Licenses' - //[...]/PRSearch.aspx

[2] HM Revenue &

Customs, 'Meaning of trade: exceptions ⚽️ and alternatives: betting and gambling - the

professional gambler' -[...]/bim22024.htm

[3] Gambling Commission,

'About Us' page -[...]/About-us.aspx

[4] Gambling

Commission, ⚽️ 'Gambling' (Licensing and Advertising Act) -[...]licensing-and-advertising-act.aspx

[5] Gambling

Commission, 'Remote gambling and software technical standards' -[...]technical-standards.pdf

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